Sunday, January 22, 2012


-          The Chinese New Year always falls between January 21 and February 21 and is based on the lunar-solar cycle. 
-          Each year is represented or designated by one of the 12 animals
o   Year of the Rat
o   Year of the Ox
o   Year of the Tiger
o   Year of the Hare (rabbit)
o   Year of the Dragon
o   Year of the Snake
o   Year of the Horse
o   Year of the Ram (sheep, goat)
o   Year of the Monkey
o   Year of the Rooster
o   Year of the Dog
o   Year of the Pig (Boar)
-          The Chinese calls the New Year's Celebration the "Spring Festival." This particular calligraphy is a reproduction of the work by one of master calligrapher Zhao Mengfu  (1254-1322) who wrote it more than 600 years ago.
Chinese Lunar Zodiac Calendar
Actual New Years begin dates
for the past 100 years
Chinese New Yearbegan on:
Lunar Animal was:
1903 - Jan. 29
1904 - Feb. 16
1905 - Feb. 04
1906 - Jan. 25
1907 - Feb. 13
1908 - Feb. 02
1909 - Jan. 22
1910 - Feb. 10
1911 - Jan. 30
1912 - Feb. 18
1913 - Feb. 06
1914 - Jan. 26
1915 - Feb. 14
1916 - Feb. 03
1917 - Jan. 23
1918 - Feb. 11
1919 - Feb. 01
1920 - Feb. 20
1921 - Feb. 08
1922 - Jan. 28
1923 - Feb. 16
1924 - Feb. 05
1925 - Jan. 25
1926 - Feb. 13
1927 - Feb. 02
1928 - Jan. 23
1929 - Feb. 10
1930 - Jan. 30
1931 - Feb. 17
1932 - Feb. 06
1933 - Jan. 26
1934 - Feb. 14
1935 - Feb. 04
1936 - Jan. 24
1937 - Feb. 11
1938 - Jan. 31
1939 - Feb. 19
1940 - Feb. 08
1941 - Jan. 27
1942 - Feb. 15
1943 - Feb. 05
1944 - Jan. 25
1945 - Feb. 13
1946 - Feb. 02
1947 - Jan. 22
pig / boar 
1948 - Feb. 10
1949 - Jan. 29
1950 - Feb. 17
1951 - Feb. 06
1952 - Jan. 27
1953 - Feb. 14
1954 - Feb. 03
1955 - Jan. 24
1956 - Feb. 12
1957 - Jan. 31
1958 - Feb. 18
1959 - Feb. 08
Pig / Boar 
1960 - Jan. 28
1961 - Feb. 15
1962 - Feb. 05
1963 - Jan. 25
1964 - Feb. 13
1965 - Feb. 02
1966 - Jan. 21
1967 - Feb. 09
1968 - Jan. 30
1969 - Feb. 17
1970 - Feb. 06
1971 - Jan. 27
1972 - Feb. 15
1973 - Feb. 03
1974 - Jan. 23
1975 - Feb. 11
1976 - Jan. 31
1977 - Feb. 18
1978 - Feb. 07
1979 - Jan. 28
1980 - Feb. 16
1981 - Feb. 05
1982 - Jan. 25
1983 - Feb. 13
1984 - Feb. 02
1985 - Feb. 20
1986 - Feb. 09
1987 - Jan. 29
1988 - Feb. 17
1989 - Feb. 06
1990 - Jan. 27
1991 - Feb. 15
1992 - Feb. 04
1993 - Jan. 23
1994 - Feb. 10
1995 - Jan. 31
Pig / Boar 
1996 - Feb. 19
1997 - Feb. 07
1998 - Jan. 28
1999 - Feb. 16
2000 - Feb. 05
2001 - Jan. 24
2002 - Feb. 12
2003 - Feb. 01
2004 - Jan. 22
2005 - Feb. 9
Year of the Rooster 
2006 - Jan. 29
2007 - Feb. 18
Year of the pig boar 
2008 - Feb. 7
Year of the Mouse / Rat 
2009 - Jan. 26
Year of the Ox - Bull
2010 - Feb. 14
year of the Tiger 
2011 - Feb. 3
year of the Rabbit / Hare  
2012 - Jan. 23
YEAR OF THE Dragon  
2013 - Feb. 10
2014 - Jan. 31
Year of the Horse / Pony  
2015 - Feb. 19
Year of the Goat / Ram / Lamb

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Doing less than your best means doing nothing at all.