Sunday, January 22, 2012


-          The Chinese New Year always falls between January 21 and February 21 and is based on the lunar-solar cycle. 
-          Each year is represented or designated by one of the 12 animals
o   Year of the Rat
o   Year of the Ox
o   Year of the Tiger
o   Year of the Hare (rabbit)
o   Year of the Dragon
o   Year of the Snake
o   Year of the Horse
o   Year of the Ram (sheep, goat)
o   Year of the Monkey
o   Year of the Rooster
o   Year of the Dog
o   Year of the Pig (Boar)
-          The Chinese calls the New Year's Celebration the "Spring Festival." This particular calligraphy is a reproduction of the work by one of master calligrapher Zhao Mengfu  (1254-1322) who wrote it more than 600 years ago.
Chinese Lunar Zodiac Calendar
Actual New Years begin dates
for the past 100 years
Chinese New Yearbegan on:
Lunar Animal was:
1903 - Jan. 29
1904 - Feb. 16
1905 - Feb. 04
1906 - Jan. 25
1907 - Feb. 13
1908 - Feb. 02
1909 - Jan. 22
1910 - Feb. 10
1911 - Jan. 30
1912 - Feb. 18
1913 - Feb. 06
1914 - Jan. 26
1915 - Feb. 14
1916 - Feb. 03
1917 - Jan. 23
1918 - Feb. 11
1919 - Feb. 01
1920 - Feb. 20
1921 - Feb. 08
1922 - Jan. 28
1923 - Feb. 16
1924 - Feb. 05
1925 - Jan. 25
1926 - Feb. 13
1927 - Feb. 02
1928 - Jan. 23
1929 - Feb. 10
1930 - Jan. 30
1931 - Feb. 17
1932 - Feb. 06
1933 - Jan. 26
1934 - Feb. 14
1935 - Feb. 04
1936 - Jan. 24
1937 - Feb. 11
1938 - Jan. 31
1939 - Feb. 19
1940 - Feb. 08
1941 - Jan. 27
1942 - Feb. 15
1943 - Feb. 05
1944 - Jan. 25
1945 - Feb. 13
1946 - Feb. 02
1947 - Jan. 22
pig / boar 
1948 - Feb. 10
1949 - Jan. 29
1950 - Feb. 17
1951 - Feb. 06
1952 - Jan. 27
1953 - Feb. 14
1954 - Feb. 03
1955 - Jan. 24
1956 - Feb. 12
1957 - Jan. 31
1958 - Feb. 18
1959 - Feb. 08
Pig / Boar 
1960 - Jan. 28
1961 - Feb. 15
1962 - Feb. 05
1963 - Jan. 25
1964 - Feb. 13
1965 - Feb. 02
1966 - Jan. 21
1967 - Feb. 09
1968 - Jan. 30
1969 - Feb. 17
1970 - Feb. 06
1971 - Jan. 27
1972 - Feb. 15
1973 - Feb. 03
1974 - Jan. 23
1975 - Feb. 11
1976 - Jan. 31
1977 - Feb. 18
1978 - Feb. 07
1979 - Jan. 28
1980 - Feb. 16
1981 - Feb. 05
1982 - Jan. 25
1983 - Feb. 13
1984 - Feb. 02
1985 - Feb. 20
1986 - Feb. 09
1987 - Jan. 29
1988 - Feb. 17
1989 - Feb. 06
1990 - Jan. 27
1991 - Feb. 15
1992 - Feb. 04
1993 - Jan. 23
1994 - Feb. 10
1995 - Jan. 31
Pig / Boar 
1996 - Feb. 19
1997 - Feb. 07
1998 - Jan. 28
1999 - Feb. 16
2000 - Feb. 05
2001 - Jan. 24
2002 - Feb. 12
2003 - Feb. 01
2004 - Jan. 22
2005 - Feb. 9
Year of the Rooster 
2006 - Jan. 29
2007 - Feb. 18
Year of the pig boar 
2008 - Feb. 7
Year of the Mouse / Rat 
2009 - Jan. 26
Year of the Ox - Bull
2010 - Feb. 14
year of the Tiger 
2011 - Feb. 3
year of the Rabbit / Hare  
2012 - Jan. 23
YEAR OF THE Dragon  
2013 - Feb. 10
2014 - Jan. 31
Year of the Horse / Pony  
2015 - Feb. 19
Year of the Goat / Ram / Lamb


  1. nag upload pa talaga Graphing Calculator..haha
    matindi ka Talaga SIR.hehe

  2. Thanks. But next time, before publishing your comment, make sure that it is placed in proper topic. haha


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